Individual Therapy

The Basics

I provide virtual individual therapy for people over the age of 18 in the state of Massachusetts.

I support people in their healing work around the following issues:

  • Defining & creating healthy relationships

  • Improving self-esteem and self-trust

  • Experiences of childhood trauma, including abuse, neglect, and family dysfunction

  • Processing & being with grief

  • Experiences of oppression, capitalism fatigue, environmental grief, and collective/ ancestral grief & rage

  • Navigating the many challenges and transitions of young adulthood

  • Navigating identity, including gender, sexuality, and vocation

  • Overcoming perfectionism, people-pleasing or codependency patterns, and creating better boundaries for yourself

I especially love supporting artists, creatives, and queer, trans, and neurodivergent folk.

I am committed to the ongoing integration of abolitionism and decoloniality into my practice and find deep fulfillment in supporting fellow white people in navigating issues related to racial & cultural identity, assimilation, whiteness & cultural loss, inter- and intra- racial relationships, and identity development.

Please note: my practice cannot meet the needs of folks who need or want to meet more frequently than once per week and/or who need ongoing crisis support.

What to expect when you reach out to me

I’m honored you’re considering working with me as your therapist. Here are a couple of things to know:

  1. I care a lot about the work I do. If we meet, you will be able to tell this. It matters to me that I provide high-quality service. To do this, I know I must take care not to overwhelm my abilities to be effective. In practical terms, this means I work with a relatively small number of clients at a time. Because of this, please know I may not be immediately available to start therapy when you first reach out.

  2. I value my time and yours. I want you to feel that you’re getting the most out of our time together. It’s important to know going in that therapy is a two-way street: your job is to show up, both mentally and physically, and fully engage in the process of change. My job is to facilitate that process by appropriately supporting and challenging you in consensual ways, always aligned with the parts of you that want wholeness and positive transformation.

  3. The right fit is important. Finding a therapist is not so different from seeking out other types of relationships: no therapist can be right for everyone. A key part of our first few session is making sure we’re a good fit. I care that you find a therapist who can really help, and if that’s not me, I will be transparent about this, along with any recommendations for next steps or other practitioners.

Payment & Fees

Sessions are 50 minutes long and payment is due at the time of service.

I accept all major credit cards through my practice management platform, SimplePractice. I also accept payments through Venmo.